Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas 2012

These are the faces of Christmas.  I am not sure that these guys had any idea what was going on but they were totally willing to participate!

This year, we celebrated Christmas with one-year-old Man-Babies who were fully capable of opening gifts, tossing clothing aside and heading straight for the toys!  It was great.  My family flew in from NY and spent the week with us entertaining the kids and teaching them new tricks.

This is Brody kissing my childhood pound puppy.  Love that he loved it as much as I did.

After the hours of opening presents and playing with toys, we were happy to welcome some family over for Christmas dinner.  Even though I am a novice entertainer and was not really able to put on a sit-down dinner, we were able to have a low key family dinner to celebrate the holiday.  

After the craziness of Christmas day, we took the rest of the week to enjoy my parents and sister being in town.  The boys loved all the attention and it was amazing to see how much they advanced with all the prompting.  Brody started walking almost full time and both boys enjoyed showing off all their party tricks (touching their head, making dragon noises, touching finger tips, doing 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', making doggie noises, doing 'Ittsy Bitsy Spider', etc.).  It is also amazing to me that the boys really seemed to know my family from the time they spent skyping them.  It is so cool to know that technology really does give us a way to stay connected.  

In addition to my family visiting, we were also lucky to get a short, but sweet, visit from long-time friends Todd and Nicole.  I think it has been 4.5 years since I have seen Nicole and I have never met their second son, Shay.  I was lucky enough to know Tyler from day one and I remember him as a sweet adorable baby boy.  Unsurprisingly, he has turned into an amazingly sweet big boy.  He was enamored with my kids and wanted nothing more than to hold and play with them.  I am so glad we finally got to meet Shay and start to get to know this cute, funny little boy.  I hope that we see more of these guys while we live in the same state!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Tyler playing with Brody is precious! Looks like a wonderful Christmas!! I hope to meet those little man babies someday too! I know it is on us to come to CA, there are just too many of you there now!
