Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The characteristics of a post-child(ren) date

Chris and I took advantage of  the Grandmas visiting to go on two real live dates. As we were having our dates, it occurred to me how different dating as parents is compare to dating pre-kids.
Here are some of the key differences:

1.  The date happens when we have family visiting and not just on any old night.
2.  The date starts at 2pm instead of 8pm because we do not want to subject others to the circus that happens at bedtime in our house.
3.  The very first thing we do on the date is get coffee so that we are both awake enough to enjoy the date.
4.  Overwhelmed by the sudden sense of freedom, our date starts by throwing out hundreds of adventurous ideas- as if we have all the time in the world.
5.  After tossing around many unrealistic ideas (e.g. getting show tickets that are impossible to get last minute,  going places more than 2 hours away), we decide to go to SF to have dinner and drinks (date 1) or to the movies (date 2).
6.  We do the math to decide what train stop to use to get into the city so that we minimize travel with strangers but maximize ability to have a drink or two with dinner.  On our second date, we eat a quick bit before the movie (at the awkward time of 3:30) and slam a couple of beers just to make sure we have time to have a grown up drink on our date. 
7.  When walking around, we realized we have no idea how to walk without a stroller and surprisingly, I kind of miss having someplace to stash my bag.
8.  When told that there would be a 45 minute wait to eat, my immediate thought it of the state of  Chris's hunger, what toys I have in my bag, and if we could make it that long without a scene.  I soon  realize that we were adults and neither one of us were on the verge of a hunger induced melt-down. Reality check, 45 minutes,  no big deal, where is the bar?
9.  Chris was slightly embarrassed that we were ordering drinks at 4 o'clock.  When he mentions that it seems a little early to be sitting at a bar, I pointed out that our date will be over by 8 so after applying "date adjusted time standards" it is really like sitting down to the bar at 9 pm and we should commence drinking. 
10.  I actually chewed my food and taste it instead of inhaling it.  What a lovely change. 
11.  On the way home, we sit on in happy silence because we can.  No singing, no itsy bitsy spider, just lovely silence. 
12.  We both agree that seeing a movie was a poor way to spend out precious date time.  When did the movie experience become 3+ hours.  Next time, a nice linner (lunch-dinner) and drinks is the obvious choice for us (How lame did I just sound?  The truth hurts.)
13.  When arriving home, we felt like we were gone for days instead of just hours.  Its amazing what a little alone time with your husband and a warm, enthusiastic welcome from your kids can do for your spirits!

Thanks for the babysitting services and the chance for some date time Nana and Granny!  We had a really nice time!


  1. This post hit the nail on the head Carrie! So true for all on your list! How life changes in every way, huh?!

    We CAN'T WAIT to see you guys in June!!! (Ian got our plane tickets yesterday!) Lots of laughs and memories are to be made for sure. I can't wait to be on the coast again, too, where I can smell the salt in the air. Can this brutally cold winter be over already and June be here?!

    1. I am SO excited to see you! I will be counting down the days for sure!
