We drove up really early on Thursday morning and got to the rental house by 11. We immediately changed into snow clothes and played in the yard for a few hours. After that, Chris headed to the grocery store to buy some provisions for a small Thanksgiving dinner. Because of a mistake in book keeping on my part, we were surprised to find a farm fresh box of produce on our doorstep at 5 am when we were getting ready to leave our house. This was actually a blessing because I had a box of fresh veggies to cook along with our small turkey. It was a simple but great dinner and our bellies and hearts were full.

On Saturday we stayed home for the morning and then drove to a local ski hill so the boys could take their first ski lessons. I can't believe how nervous I was for them. I did not know how they would react to the strange boots, the slippery snow, or being left with an instructor for a few hours. The ski hill has a very well recommended ski school that gives these little kids a lot of independence and the kids took everything in stride. They thought each step of the process was fun and did not blink when the instructor took them over to the bunny hill without us.
We were able to spy on them from a distance and in the beginning they hardly stayed on their feet. I could see them trying to move their legs and gain some forward momentum but they would either stay in place or fall down! I really did not give the boys enough credit. Instead of finding everything frustrating and wanting to go home, they just learned how to do everything correctly. In the span of an hour they were moving their legs the right way, getting to the magic carpet all by themselves, and progressing up the steeper parts of the bunny hill. Eventually Chris and I were able to stand at the bottom of the small hill and watch them come down again and again. They were beaming, I was beaming, it was wonderful! At the end they get a report card of sorts and what the instructor said pretty much summed up what we witnessed. Brody caught on pretty early and got the hang of things pretty easily. He had no real fear of the speed, did not like being unable to get up himself and once the skills started to be repetitive, he kind of coasted to the end of the lesson. Brady really surprised me. He went from not really being able to do anything to steadily improving with each run. He smiled the entire time, never complained, had a incredibly positive attitude, and tried his hardest the whole time. I am so glad they had so much fun!
On Sunday we packed up and headed home on the early side to beat the traffic. As we descended back down to sea level, the temperature rose into the 60's and it was as if we imagined our winter adventures. All of a sudden all the extra clothes and boots seemed kind of suffocating. It is so weird how one minute you can be in a winter wonderland and the next you are in sunny perfect weather. For the rest of the afternoon, the kids played in the backyard in short sleeves bemoaning the loss of their snow hill. This was probably one of our most relaxed, fun, and easy trips. I can't wait to do it again!