Saturday, February 26, 2011

We are family!

My mom and sister came for a weeks visit!  We had a GREAT time!

We started off the week with a hike up Camelback.

(everyone uses camelbacks on Camelback, even the dogs!)

This hike is not for the faint of heart, but both my mom and Rachel are super strong and were able to conquer the camel!

The views were awesome!

At some points  you are literally siting right on the camel's back.

We made it to the top and took lots of pictures.

And then we headed back down.  I love how Rocco is looking back at everyone to make sure we make making it down the difficult parts ok!

The rest of the week was filled with shopping (lots of shopping!).


And relaxing by the pool/hot tub.  

We hiked around the red rocks and enjoyed the desert landscape.  

All in all it was a fantastic visit, I did not want them to go!


  1. Looks like you had so much fun together and made some great memories!
    I just realized it was this time two years ago that I was there. Fun times!

  2. Dear Carrie,

    We are in May...update your blog!!!! Are you going to ACSM? I assume not but we would love to see you.
