Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Big B little B, what begins with B: 4 month update

Brady, Brody, B, B, B.

That's how the rhyme goes in our house!  At 4 months old, we officially have a big B and a little B!.  Brady, the big-little brother, weights 13.6lbs and is a peanut compared to Brody!  What Brady lacks in thigh chub though, he makes up for in smiles and personality.  He sing-songs full sentences and is an amazing communicator.  When he is upset, I swear he yells at me in full baby coo sentences.  He seems to have mastered the word "hi" or at least this is his coo of choice.  He loves to whack at his toys and kick his kick-n-play piano.   He is a snuggley guy, quick to put his head into your neck and catch a quick nap if allowed. Brady has started chewing on his fingers, and drooling a bit.  Instead of putting his whole fist in his mouth like his brother though, Brady chooses a select finger to gnaw on.  I love looking over at him and seeing a single finger rooting around in his mouth.

Like a lot of kids, Brady has a love of the bath tub.  However, his love goes beyond just splashing in the water and extends to floating.  If allowed, he will push himself backwards and recline with his head back, letting his legs dangle.  I bet he is going to be a good swimmer like his mom and dad, perhaps he will excel at the back stroke?  

It is hard to tell in pictures, but Brady's hair has actually filled in quite a bit this past month.  It looks like it is a very light blond, maybe auburn?  Only time will tell.  What this boy lacks in locks, he makes up for in lashes.  He has the most beautiful eyelashes.  When the light catches him just right, you can see how long and perfectly curled they are.

Brady started twisting and turning on the floor just the other day.  It looks to me like he is just days away from being able to roll over.  I will keep you posted on when that actually happens!

Our Brady-Bear is quite a young man. I can't wait to see how he changes and develops during month 5!  For now, he is still my little peanut! 

Ahh big B.  Brody weighs in at 16lbs  and feels like a sack of concrete when you lift him.  Well, maybe a sack of concrete covered in soft baby chub that you just want to snuggle with, that is more like it.  He is warm, personable, and loves to bury his head into my chest and nuzzle me multiple times a day.  

Brody has developed a fondness for giraffes.  He has 2 different kinds and has learned to smile and do a happy dance when he sees them coming his way.  

Brody has transitioned from a flat line grin, to a giggle and, this week, a full on belly laugh.  His laugh is so contagious that I can't help but follow his lead. His smile; however, is very hard to catch on film and I have yet to snap a picture of him smiling his true smile.  This is the closest I have gotten.  

Brody is still shoving his fists in his mouth as often as possible.  I love the little head shack and body waggle that goes along with his trying to put his whole fist in his mouth. When Brody wakes up in the morning he does not cry.  Instead he makes a series of coos and grunts in the hopes that you will hear him.  Once I look over at him, he breaks out in a full smile and shriek.  It is such a glorious way to start the day.  

It seems certain now that Brody is a red head.  At some point over the last 4 weeks, his hair started to fill in. I can't believe how a little hair can change the way his face looks.  He even has enough hair so that one morning I declared to Chris that Brody had bed head!

 Our Brody Bear is changing so fast.  I can't wait to see what new cute things he does next month!  Try not to grow too much faster ok?!

We were lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents visit this month.  They got to play with the boys and see how much they have changed since they were newborns.  It was so great to see the boys interact with their grandparents and to have all the extra hands around to hold babies.  No matter how you slice it, when I am home alone with the boys, they do not get held enough.  For 2 straight weeks though, they were barely set down and it was perfect!

Week 1: The Grand McLeans

Week 2: The Grand Sharoffs

Favorite developments this month:
-Clear indications that they enjoy or dislike certain activities
-Enjoyment of specific toys
-Understanding that I am their mom and can help.  They have even started to reach for me when they want me to pick them up
-Consistent smiles and laughs
-Grasping objects and bringing them to their mouth
-drool (ok not a favorite but it is a development)
-Being amused by songs (Brady particularly likes patty cake)
-Making noise to get our attention

Nicknames we are still using: 
Chris is still calling the boys the MBs (Man Babies). A-B the Baby and B-B the guns are still used pretty regularly here too.  I tend to call the boys Brady Bear and Brody Bear the most.  

And because there is not one picture with Dad, here is one from this month:

Happy 4 month birthday boys!  


  1. They are getting so big! You look fantastic and very stylish with your mom bob! Welcome to the club!

  2. I seriously want a picture of these babies in my office, I love looking at them and you!

  3. Oh my gosh! They are so cute! I want one of them - or both. We are coming to AZ to get them! No seriously, I might run a half marathon in Tempe in Nov in big part because you are there. You better still be there!

  4. They are the cutest, Carrie! I love reading your blog each month and hearing how well you're all doing! I like your new 'do too!

  5. Great post! Love the spring haircut too!

  6. As always, I love all of the pictures and your wonderful updates. Great hair cut, too! Wish we were closer so I could give those two cuties a snuggle!
