Number of babies rolling: 2
Number of babies sitting: 2
Number of naps taken per day: 6ish (3ish per baby)
Number of times babies nap together: 5ish (go mom for getting them to sync up!)
Number of times I have pumped (to date): roughly 255
Number of times I am still getting up at night: 5ish (2.5 per baby)
Number of days of the week I feel lucky to have spent over the last 6 months with my boys: 8
WOW! That sums up the last month. My boys have changed so much! I am stunned by how many miles stones they hit this month. Especially the last 2 weeks, it seems like they were changing right in front of me.
One of the biggest changes that happened for our boys is they went from being Arizona babies to California babies! We are in the process of moving to the Bay Area and are super exited to have our boys growing up here.
First Sit
In general, the difference between 5 and 6 months has been dramatic. The biggest difference is that both boys are now sitting up. It kind of happened all of a sudden. I noticed that Brody was fussing a ton when he was laying on his back so I sat him up and voila! he was sitting. I then decided to see if Brady could sit as well and low and behold, he started sitting too! They both sat up long enough for me to find my camera and snap a picture!
Having two new sitters presents challenges that I had not thought of, mainly, trying to prevent one baby from falling over into the other one. Its like one giant game of baby dominoes over here. I feel like I have to do advanced mathematics in my head, constantly calculating angles and figuring trajectories in order to prevent one baby form taking out the other one. I am the defensive line of Team McLean, foreshadowing I bet for crawling and walking.
There are so many fun things that happened this month, but I think my favorite is the debue of belly laughter from my boys (I know I mentioned Brady's laugh last month update but I swear it is getting even better!). Both boys have learned to string their giggles together to produce the most joyous sounds in the world. The icing on the cake is that EVERYTHING I do is funny! All I have to do is look at them and say "Boo" and I get giggles. Rubbing my nose against theirs results in hysterics. Kissing their necks, forgetaboutit, I have lost them for minutes. The other day I had the hiccups and Brady laughed at each UP. I could listen to them giggle all day. I wish I could bottle that sound for the future when I need a pick-me-up.
First beach trip
Despite having already driven across country, our boys had not yet seen the ocean. We remedied that our first weekend here by taking them to see the Pacific. We also broke in Bob by doing some off-loading. We were all very impressed, including the dogs!
First swim (ok, technically this happened at 6 months + 1 day old, but I can't wait another month to blog about it!)
The boys took their first swim in my Aunt and Uncle's pool (have I mentioned how nice it is to live near family?!). They loved it! They looked like naturals in the pool, already doing the frog kick and floating on their backs. I think we win the award for the family with the most clothing on in the pool! All I can say is that Chris bought me a bathing suit because I did not have one and. . . well. .. its descriptions was "cleavage enhancing". Let's just say that enhancing my cleavage is something that I do not need help with these days.
(sorry Brody, but you were sleeping!)
(Pictures courtesy of my Aunt Kathy)
Oh Boys, don't grow up too fast!
Oh my goodness Carrie, they are so cute! I loved reading your list of stats! Good luck with your move to the west coast.