Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A week with Grandma and Grandpa

We were lucky enough to have a week with Grandma and Grandpa in sunny California.  Somehow, everyone remained healthy and we were able to go out and about to show them some of our favorite things to do in CA.

First, there was lots of back yard playing.  We have added lots of toys (read: plastic crap) to our yard and it has turned into a really fun place for the boys to play. I still love going to the park, especially when we are meeting friends, but for those days when you just don't want to load anyone into (or out of and back into) the car and you just need a simple place to run around, the yard is awesome.  The boys are obsessed with bubbles and I enjoyed trying to get pictures of them blowing and catching bubbles.  The only obstacle is that Rocco is also obsessed with bubbles.  He likes to bark and try to pop the bubbles with his mouth.  It makes for a very animated time.

 In addition to bubbles, the boys also like to play in water and jumping through the sprinklers with Dad.  Everything is more fun with Dad.

They also like eating every meal outside (well mostly I like that because I do not have to wash the floor)!

 We spent one day at my Aunt's house swimming and eating.  It was so much fun! The boys really loved swimming and were completely at ease in the water.  They even tried to blow bubbles and kick their feet like Kathy and I taught them a few weeks prior. 

We also went to the park a couple of times.  I have decided three adults and two boys is just the right ratio for optimal park play!

On Friday, we went to Santa Cruz for the day to hang out at the beach and visit with Aunt Ellen.  It was a great chance to catch up with family and spend more time at the beach!

Chris and I took advantage of grandparent babysitting and went on a double date with Kathy and Sam.  We went to dinner in Palo Alto and it was a great time.  Grandma and Grandpa went home on Saturday but we were able to squeak in a few more fun events to round out the week.  On Saturday, Chris and I hit one of the local music stores and bought the boys some bongos, a key board, and some maracas.  A few months prior we bought the boys some junior guitars.  Given all the instruments now in our house, they should be primed to start their own band.  They love having access to the instruments. Every time they touch the guitars, they sing "E-I-E-I-O".  They also try and shove the maracas into the guitars.  Maybe they are trying to invent a new instrument?  This is Silicon Valley, I should let their creativity run wild.   

To top off a great week, we had dinner with the California contingent (minus my two cousins) and my Uncle Mike, who was traveling here on business.  The boys broke out new blue button down shirts and strutted to dinner in style.

It sure was a week to remember!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, everything is more fun with Dad! Isn't that the truth! Love you cover picture with the shoes on the beach!
