Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Mother's Day

I received the royal treatment yesterday and I could not feel happier or luckier.  I slept in, got cards and coffee in bed, went out for farmers' market gourmet breakfast sandwiches and then spent a few hours at the spa.  I feel like a new woman.

I loved hearing my boys say "Happy Mother's day" and "I love you, Mommy".  I think seeing the joy it brought me fueled their vocal fire because they said those phrases all day long!  To make it extra memorable, Brody kept saying "Happy Birthday Mother's Day" instead of just "Happy Mother's Day".  For whatever reason, he was unable to disconnect the 'birthday" from 'Happy Mother's Day' and it was adorable!  Luckily I recorded it because I am sure that is the last time I hear it that way! 

Thanks boys for a wonderful day and for the pleasure of being your mother!  I love you!

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