Sunday, August 27, 2017

Tee Ball

Dear Boys,
Someday I will tell you with great pride that I was your tee ball coach.  I will say those words with a big goofy smile because they feel ridiculous to say but it will, in fact, be true. I was your tee ball coach.  I ran practices, helped you bat, tried to help you catch and was the biggest cheerleader for the Yankees.  Oh yes, we were called the Yankees because I got to pick the team name!  Tickle Grandpa was very proud!

Brody, you have always wanted to play tee ball and you anxiously awaited coming of age where you were allowed to play.  Brady, you insisted you like only golf... an assertion that is hilarious to me because you have never played anything other than mini golf.... but I digress.  I think the thought of playing a sport that Brody loves so much was a bit scary to you, Brady, so when they asked for volunteers to coach the teams I decided to step up.  I figured I was going to be there anyway, I may as well participate and if everything goes well, you may even have some fun!   I am happy to say that my plan worked out perfectly.  You both had a blast and we have had a great season.  

Brody, you have great biomechanics when it comes to throwing and hitting.  You are able to throw the ball very far, make some catches and your swing is scary.  You are right handed but bat lefty and if you actually keep your eye on the ball when you swing, you make great contact.  Brady, you are incredibly consistent.  Your focus is so admirable.  You are not one of those kids who picks at the blades of grass and counts bugs when you are in the outfield.  Instead, you are zeroed in on the action and constantly trying to do the best you can.  You are left handed but bat righty.  Your swing is consistently even and accurate and you know all of the rules to this game.  Mostly I am so happy that you seemed to love it enough to want to do it again.  

I had a great time watching you guys make new friends and improve!  That may actually be the craziest part of this whole fun filled ordeal.   You guys actually got better over the last few months.  Improvement is a wonderful thing!  I am sure I will not always be your tee ball coach, heck, you guys may not even want to play again, but I will always be happy that I was your very first coach.

Coach Mom

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