We had a few weeks of rain and gloom here in sunny California. In some ways, it was a nice change and a chance to catch up on some indoor fun. We made tents, did lots of art, and played lots of indoor games while waiting for the skys to clear. I love watching the boys play together. They converse all the time and give clear instructions to enhance whatever game they are playing. They like to read to each other and are abe to recite a ton of words from books that we read regularly.
Brady has said some things that I want to record so I can remember exactly the way he says them. He has a wonderful memory and if I ask him where something is, he tells me "right here, mommy" while showing me where said item is located. It is so darn cute the way he says "right here" while pointing with his little finger. He also likes to ask "what's that, mommy?" to E.V.E.R.Ything. This is a newer phrase that is cute (for now) but ask me again in a few weeks. He also likes to tell me "no ___, mommy, no ___ " while wiggling his little pointer finger. The "No" list is endless these days and includes things like butter, pants, diaper, car, and home. Brady is also very clear when does not want something and makes his wishes known by insisting, sometimes crying, and saying "other one, other one". He is a very opinionated little dude. He likes to pick out his shirts (usually his robot shirts) and have a say in what he is wearing. Brady loves to count. One night I overheard him counting to himself in his crib: "One, two, three, five, six, circle" and I laughed hysterically for a long time after that. I still recite this random list to myself when I am doing a mundane task because I think it is so cute. He also, on more than one occasion, has said "eleventeen" and I also think that is one of the cutest words I have ever heard. Brady loves to sing and he can really carry a tune. He loves Jack Johnson and can sing several of the choruses of his songs. One of the Jack Johnson's songs has the line "I can tell we are gonna be friends" and every time Brady hears that line, he points to his brother and says "Brody". It melts my heart that he knows his best friend is his brother and if I think about it for a split second too long, I start to cry!
Brody also has some really cute sayings. I love when he says "Come on, I'll show you" and he takes me by the hand and shows me what he is talking about. He also does this funny thing after nap where he gathers the plethora of stuffed animals he sleeps with and takes them into the livingroom. If his arms can't hold them all, the directs and instructs me to carry the extras. Brody also likes to talk a lot about exercise! Whenever he sees me in workout clothes he always says "mom, work out- exercise". If that's not motivation, I'm not sure what is! Also, if he sees a low bar or anything he can hang on, he exclaims "exercise" and runs over to swing on it and try and do pullups. Brody also likes to proclaim "I did it" when he complets a task. Its adorable and hysterical. He likes to say "Happy birthday" to Chris and to others at random times. He is a pro at singing the song and blowing out candles. He does not like stinky smells and wrinkles his nose at smells like hard boiled eggs, stinky farts (his own, the dogs or his dad's!) and even at his own stinky diaper. He hates wind blowing on him from an open car window (just like his mom) and he has started to express disgust for shirt tags rubbing on his belly. He is making his wishes heard loud and clear.
The boys still call each other "D" when speaking directly to or about one another, though they each know their own names now. By far the number one word said around here is "mine" followed by "D". "No, D, mine, D." is uttered no less than 100 times a day. This includes strings of sayings like "My eyeball, D,", "No my eyeball.". "My ankle, D" (have you ever heard a two year old say ankle? If not, seek one out because it's adorable) or another favorite "Big poop, D, big poop".
Another amazing thing about this age is that they boys genuinely find themselves and each other hysterical. In particular, Brady will laugh and giggle at Brody's antics with reckless abandon. This is one clear area that I can see Brady taking after his mom. He loves to laugh and he will let out a full belly laugh if he thinks Brody is doing something humerus. One specific occasion that comes to mind was on Chris's birthday. I set the cake out and we started to sing to Chris but Brody kept pretending/attempting to lick the icing off the cake. Brady found this hysterical and belly laughed each and every time Brody did it. They really are two peas in a pod and a dynamic duo.
We started taking swim lesson and we started soccer lessons again. So far we love both and it has been nice to mix the structured with the unstructured activities.
Mostly time feels like it's speeding by and my days feel like the picture below. Better go exercise so I can keep up!
It was fun catching up! I love "eleventeen." I thought Hunter said it because Ian did, but I guess that's not necessarily the reason. I also think it's funny that you said Brody doesn't like wind blowing on him from an open window just like you...didn't you own a convertible for a while?!!!
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