Friday, September 22, 2017

Labor Day Weekend 2017

Dear Boys,
Even though school started before labor day and it felt like summer was over weeks ago, we still wanted to party hearty on Labor Day weekend to send summer out with a bang.  Originally, We planned to go camping with the Walshes up near Mt. Shasta. We have never been there and I was really looking forward to exploring a new area of California. Unfortunately, we were in for a heat wave and for your safety as well as the dogs' we decided to cancel camping.  I truly hope that in 20 years when you are reading this the reality of abnormally high temperatures is not the norm......

Since we were going to be in town for record high temps in Half Moon Bay, I took advantage of our close proximity and took you to the beach for the afternoon.  It was the hottest I had ever seen it at the coast, so hot that even I wanted to get into the water!  We went with new school friends and had a great afternoon.  Honestly, it was one of the most amazing beach times I have had in California. You guys learned to bodysurf using your kickboards which was hilarious.  You got the hang of it really well and rode wave after wave onto the shore.

We had such a great time at the beach that we wanted to share it with Dad then next day.  It was going to be another record-breaking hot day at our house so we got there early and we took the dogs with us this time.  Dad bought you guys real boogie boards and of course, he got one for himself!  We found our favorite beach spot and immediately all went swimming.  It was not hard to want to get into the freezing cold water as the temps grew to over 90 degrees.  It actually felt so refreshing!  I could not let Dad have all the fun and so I grabbed to boogie board to show you my amazing bodysurfing skills.  Hilariously, Hank bodysurfed right next to me the whole time!  Can you picture it: Mom and Hank riding the waves together.  It was amazing.

We suffered through the rest of the day at home in the heat and were so excited when our friends called and asked if we wanted to take our chances on some cancellations at a campsite in Big Sur.  I guess we are both adventurous families because neither family had a problem with getting up at 5 am, packing up and driving down to Big Sur.  We were there by 8:30 and we got the last waitlist spot at the campground.  While we were waiting we went to a gorgeous Big Sur Beach and played the day away.  This beach had everything that iconic Big Sur is known for.  It had rock walls to climb, beach caves to explore, a freshwater river that ran out to the sea to swim in and huge waves to run away from.  It also had its share of wildlife.  We saw a seal come up to the shoreline to play and two whale spout in the distance.  It was nothing short of pure magic!  You guys played with your five friends and we had an absolutely wonderful day.

When we went back to the campsite to see if we were able to get off the waiting list, I felt very content.  I knew that even if we had to go home right then we had had a glorious day in much cooler temps.  I was shocked when it turned out we were able to get two campsites and that they were practically next to each other!  Our fun did not stop as we set up camp, played and played, had a campfire, cooked dinner, had smores and sang songs.  It was everything that a camping trip should be: kid-centric fun with loads of dirt!

The next day we got up, had breakfast, packed up and went on a small hike.  It was a perfect way to end such a great weekend.  We really turned this weekend into a totally fun California adventure!  I wonder what you will remember from this trip?  The caves, rock climbing, jumping rope, marbles, smores.... maybe all of it.  One can hope!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Dear Boys,
After a summer of anticipation, the big day finally arrived: the first day of kindergarten.  You were both nervous and anxious.  It was so hard to see you be uneasy about a new experience especially when I knew deep down it was going to be great.  We attended a few school events before the first day and this helped to make you feel more comfortable.  Once the big day arrived you got up and got ready like big kids.  I let you choose your breakfast (as in I offered to make you whatever you wanted) and you got dressed in the shirts you picked for the first day.  The four of us walked up the hill to school and we walked you to your classroom.  I'll be honest, seeing you in your classroom brought tears to my eyes and made me want to ugly cry.  You seemed so little and so big all at the same time.  Brody, you got a little bit more nervous when you saw where you were sitting and realized you and Brady were not sitting at the same table.  Brady, you were happy there were school supplies on your desk and you immediately started to color the Kindergarten paper that was at your spot.   When it became obvious that we were supposed to leave, we hugged you and walked out without looking back.  I cried the whole way home!  Dad tried to make me feel better but I was so sad.  I also may have picked up the dogs and walked back toward the school not 30 minutes later, just so I could see if I could catch a glimpse of you going about your first day.

You were in great spirits when I picked you up after your first day but the real reward for me was when I picked you up on your second day.  Brady, you, came running out with a big smile and said: "I love Kindergarten, it is so fun!" and Brody you declared "Kindergarten is the best!".  We have been looking forward to each day ever since!  Enjoy kindergarten, boys!


Monday, September 18, 2017

New York Summer 2017

Dear Brady and Brody,

After our trip to Sun Valley, we filled the rest of summer with a week of golf camp, some weeks of mom-run tennis and soccer camp, and a visit from Granny!  Then the week before school started we traveled to NY to visit family.

We flew out on a red-eye which made me nervous for your sanity but it ended up working out well.  You guys were tired by the time we boarded and you fell asleep before the plane even took off.  We had a layover in Detroit and you guys sleep on the chairs and in my arms for two hours.  After that, we boarded the plane to Newburgh and got rerouted to Buffalo for an emergency landing  (enter shocked face emoji).  We waited in Buffalo for FIVE hours of which you guys were absolute angels!  You were so well behaved that a woman made a point to come over to me to tell me how good you were being.  We eventually boarded a new plane and made the short jump to Newburgh.  When we landed Nana greeted us and we got to wish her a very happy birthday in the best way possible!  We had a birthday celebration for Nana including a beautiful cake and some very enthusiastic singing!  After that, it was off to bed because we were all zonked.

One of the major reasons for our trip was to visit with GiGi.  We got to spend so much quality time with her!  You guys clearly did not feel like you were meeting her again for the first time.  You bounced right into your regular rhythm and started playing with her in a manner that showed that you knew exactly who she was.  This may sound silly to even mention this but it is a big deal when you live so far away to feel like we are giving you a good idea who your family members are.  GiGi showed off her lego building skills as well as her card skills.  You guys told her stories and even played tickle with her.  She wanted to give you many many kisses and you were fine with that as long as you made a game of it! Brody, you even made her play a game where she had to look the other way and you would swoop in and plant a kiss on her cheek.  It was very cute.

Auntie Ray Ray really wanted to show us where she is living in NYC so we took a day trip and went down on the train.  You guys travel so easily.  The train ride was no big deal and once we were in NYC you were unphased.  Unfortunately, it started to rain right as we arrived so we headed directly to where Rachel lives and played with all the amazing indoor games she has access to. We had an indoor picnic on her bed with NYC pizza and the movie Sing.  You guys ate your body weight in pizza; it was truly impressive!  We played some more and then headed back upstate after a sweet goodbye in Grand Central Station. I circled back to NYC the next night for a girls dinner with my best friends.  It was so refreshing to see them and spend some quality time chatting.

Back upstate we spent a great morning with Barbara visiting, playing with chickens and water guns!  We filled our time at Nana's and TG with gameplay and outside fun.  You guys played all the games you had access to.  Jenga, checkers, chess, trouble were just a few of the games you enjoyed.  Brody, you asked one of us to play baseball with you every time we went outside and Tickle Grandpa made sure to have baseball on the TV whenever possible.  You loved the undivided attention!  On our last night in NY, we went out to eat and had a great Mexican food meal.  We then went to twin cone which is my absolute favorite ice cream!  It tasted just as good as I remembered it.  We had a wonderful week and I am so happy that we got to enjoy one more summer week in New York.  You guys will have those memories forever!