Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Brady is on two wheels!

Dear Brady,
In April of 2017, you officially transitioned to two-wheel riding!  As with most thing so far, Brady, you went about learning to ride a bike in your own way.  And in what would seem like a parenting win for Dad and me, we totally nailed how to let you come to the realization that it was time to ride on two wheels on your own terms.

For about a year now, whenever we would ride bikes, Brody would ride his two-wheeler and you would happily ride with training wheels.  Even after we upgraded you both to bigger frames, you did not want to attempt to ride without those training wheels.  At the end of last summer, we were riding bikes nearly every day.  This bike riding slowed a bit when we moved to a hillier terrain.  It was not until we found a bike path and got back into riding you seemed to stay contented to be on training wheels.  I never pushed you or asked you to try two wheels because I knew you would immediately say no. I did; however,  think that after seeing other kids riding without training wheels you may change your mind.  I was correct.  One day when we were riding at a school you looked around, took an assessment of the situation and asked: "Can I ride Brody's bike for a little while?".  Your brother graciously said sure and for about 15 minutes we ran around with you while you tried to figure out how to balance on a two wheeler.  Becuase we were riding on blacktop I was not very brave about letting you go. I figured one good fall and you would not want to try again.  It also seemed like you were going to need more practice in learning how to balance.

In the ensuing weeks, we acquired some razor scooters.  You and Brody loved riding these scooters, so much so that they almost overshadowed our biking.  But this turned out to be sort of a good thing.  It turns out that the scooters gave you a great sense of balance and the next time you were on your bike I noticed you were much more centered.  Shortly after that, I suggested we go out as a family and Dad helped you get fully on two wheels!  You did great and he took you up and down a dirt path until you were more confident and happy!

Even though balance was not a problem anymore, you still seemed to be a little timid on your bike and were not very confident in your ability to steer.  For the next week, every day after school, we practiced riding around a dirt track so you could get more confident in your steering!  I am so proud at how much you trusted me and let me yell out commands at you while you were riding.  You are such a good sport!

So now at just over 5 years old, you an official two wheel riding guy and we are very proud of you!  Keep up the speedy riding, Buddy!


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