Sunday, December 2, 2012

Month 11: 11 Things about 11 months

1. These boys graze.  They will eat anything off the ground (odd since they will not eat as easily at the table).  Going to park is exhausting because I am constantly trying to keep them from eating leaves, mulch, sticks etc.  Two mouths, 4 hands, one mom.  You do the math. 

2.  These boys vote.  The boys voted or at least they got to wear the stickers that Chris and I received from voting!  As you can tell, they were very excited to learn about the process. 

3.  These boys are two peas in a pod.  They totally get the fact they are can play together and have a partner in crime. Brody especially likes to be touching his brother at all times. He sits on Brady, layes on him and takes very opportunity to steal his toys.   More often than not, this is the scene I encounter:  I step out of the room and before I return, I hear uproarious laughter coming from my boys.  I creep toward the laughter and peek at the,  I see the boys playing together and laughing hysterically.  They are usually either playing with the door (in the video) or playing peek-a-boo with a colander,  or they are tickling each other.  Either way, it is adorable and heart warming!
(Video: )

4.  These boys know party tricks.  They each know where their head is and they randomly stop what they are doing and place their hands on their head and wait for us to sing "Head, shoulders, knees and toes."  So far, we are stuck on head, but I suspect shoulders are not far behind.  This also happened with itsy bitsy spider.  One day Brady was waving his fingers up over his head and you could tell by the look on his face that he was trying to show me something.  It took a few tries for me to figure it out, but then I realized he was doing the signs for itsy bitsy spider.  I find this stage so amazing and fun.  I love that they are communicating and it is fun to figure out where their minds are going.  I also love that the singing and story hours are clearly having an impact on them.  It is worth trying to get out of the house!

5.  These boys like to be worn.  We are still using the carriers to move the boys around whenever possible.  After a week of running errends alone with the boys, it is a joy on the weekends to just tie a baby onto us and just go.  They are getting heavy though. . .  you will notice I tend to wear Brady for this reason.  I am no dummy.  They love being in the carriers, especially facing out.  They bounce and wiggle and dance around whenever we are going on an adventure.   This month we tried back carrying them in the Boba for a family hike and it worked great!

6.  These boys like to stand.  They both stand with ease and are able to lower themselves from standing to sitting with out any problems.  The only tumbles come when Brody grabs onto Brady with he is standing, just for the fun of it!

7. These boys have teeth.  I do not have a good picture but Brady has one lone bottom tooth and Brody has two on the bottom (they came in togther) and one on the top. 

8. These boys eat!  The boys eating styles can be summerized below.  Brody would pretty much stick his face onto his tray and suck up any food he could.  Conversely, Brady uses one finger and ever so cautously puts things into his mouth.  They (and mom) are getting more adventurous with what they eat.  Meals, espeoically breakfast and long and invlove seires of finger food being placed in front of them.  Some days the dogs get a large amount of food, some days the boys do.  It's all about balance. 

9.  These boys can sleep.  The boys are much better sleepers than they used to be  Some nights they sleep through the night, some nights we are up once or twice, (likely due to teething) but in general, things are getting better.  There seems to be hope that Chris and I may actually get some regular sleep by the time these guys turn 1.  Either way, it is better than it used to be and even when we have a couple of bad nights, things seem to get better on their own.

10.  These boys make cute moose.  I already did a separate post on Halloween, but it can't be forgotten that the boys celebrated their first Halloween by dressing up and handing out candy to the neighborhood kids.

11.  And. . . .these boys ate poop.  Seriously.  I won't say who, but my someone (Chris) accidentally left a poopy diaper where the boys could get to it.  After only a minute alone in their room (typically considered a safe place for them to play), the boys had found the diaper and where holding handfuls of poop and, yes, eating some.  This is sad for many reasons.  1.  They ate poop- need I say more, 2. Brady will hardly eat what I cook him, yet poop was somehow deemed delicious,  and 3.  They had eaten blueberries that day so the poop had a very strong blueberry smell.  Needless to say, blueberries are no longer that appetizing to me.  As soon as we realized they ate poop we did what any parents would do and googled "my kid ate poop" to see what we should do.  Turns out, this is a completely common problem.  It is probably the only time I have ever googled something health related and actually been put to ease instead of been worried that my kid has some terrible disease.  Ahh, parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. I love the baby play cage! You are a smart mama. Just think, if you only had one, that would be you in there playing with him! And I'm sorry but the poop story is hilarious although I'm sure it wasn't for you at the time.


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