I have always tried to be a regular exerciser. Some periods in my life, this was easier due to great running partners (how can I live without you. . . ) and other times it has been really tough (e.g. at the very end of graduate school finishing up a ph.d.) No time, however, can compare the challenge of the last two years.
I knew I was pregnant pretty early on, mostly because I felt terrible right away. I kept walking and swimming for as long and I could manage (primarily thwarted by the 110 degree Arizona summer) but eventually I was put on bed rest to prevent labor, and exercise was a distant thought and a luxury that I was not allowed to do. After the boys were born..... forgetaboutit. I think it was two solid months until I actually left the house for something other than a doctors appointment. It was three months before I started walking once or twice a week with friends. At month 4, we drove across country (i.e. I sat in the car for 4 weeks) and then shortly after we we moved to California. Consistent exercise was not in my daily schedule for a long time. Lately though, it has been something I have been trying to add back into my life, both to make sure I am healthy and feel my best and also to show my boys how important it is to be active.
The great thing about running as a mom is that my entire attitude about exercise has changed. In the past, there were times when I would consider runs of less that an hour and not worth it. It would be hard to get me to consider it a sufficient workout if I had not done both cardio, abs and stretched and if I had lifted the day before. I have been fastidious about how many minutes, miles, laps, rpm I did and would keep track of these things for fun. Now, however, my focus is completely different. The new goal is just to get out of the stinking house. I consider my run a complete sucess if I have left the house with two babies, a pair of shoes, and my house key. Additionally, (likely becuase I am so out of shape), I stop and smell the roses way more than I used to. There are a couple of scenic trails around here that I like to go to, and sometime (wait for it) I even bring my camera and run WITH the camera and the two babies. When I see something interesting, I take a picture and I point it out to the boys.
Now, I sing to them, breathless and in short sentences but all in an effort to keep them happy and to keep us out there. If we are having a bad day, I don't berate myself. I just dust off my dirty exercising cloths, re-wear my sports bra, and figure we can try again tomorrow.
Perhaps in the not too distant future I will start running for time again, heck maybe I will just start running for time alone. But for now, I am running to get back to feeling like my old self, to get the boys some fresh air, and to see what is going on outside our front door.
Good for you Carrie! I am struggling to exercise each day right now, and I think you have a good point about not worrying about how long, intense, etc. the exercise is. That will help me to be satisfied with what I can fit in and do. You are so fortunate to live in a place right now that is conducive to getting outside year-round. MN, ummm, not so conducive, but I'm going to get out when I can...perhaps I will invest in a warm snowsuit for Emerson...he doesn't fit into the one that Hunter wore. :-) Hugs!