Happy Birthday to our wonderful boys! We have been celebrating all weekend. We tried to space out the opening of the wonderful gifts that great grandparents, grandparents, and aunties sent us so that the boys were able to cherish every thoughtful thing that they received. They loved everything they got and [I think] they loved the act of opening even more!
Since their special day is sandwiched between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we tried to make it stand out by having a theme unrelated to the holidays. The boys like robots (pronounced "boppies" by them) so we had a robot themed birthday. We found some robots to give as gifts (surprisingly hard to find for two year olds) and I found some random robot shirts to wear for them to wear on their special day. We also bought singing balloons and cards because our boys find them exciting and they like any excuse to start a dance party!

We kept with our practice (started last year) of having cake for breakfast!! Not only does this buy us major cool-parent points, but it also works well with our three hour time difference by allowing the grandparents to join in for singing and blowing out of the candles (via skye). I made individuals cakes for Brady and Brody and drew robots on each one. I am not known for my drawing skills and I have to say, I was really proud of these robot cakes! I may retire after this year! ;) The boys loved being sung to and blowing out the candles. Much to our surprise, the boys completely knew to blow out the candles at the end of Happy Birthday without any prompting. Actually, they enjoyed that part so much that they asked for more candles to blow out latter in the day and I obliged because you are only two once (or twice two in our case).

After cake, we headed to Monterey and went to the aquarium. It was so much fun! The aquarium was the perfect way to spend a special day. There is so much to see and do and we can just basically let the boys lead the way knowing everywhere they turn, there will be great stuff to see. After the aquarium, we went to the beach to let the dogs and kids run around and play. It was a great way to celebrate two!
(That disgusted look on Brody's face was after a puffin nosedived right past him. He was not really sure what to make of that.)
What more can I say about these boys? They are special individuals who have the good fortune of being twins. On their birthday, we try to celebrate the fact that we have two amazing humans who are growing older together.
We have our Brody who is a tough, strong, independent snuggle bug. He loves to run, chase, catch, throw, and wrestle. He hates to be away from his brother and is a true dare devil with no fear (most of the time). He gives amazing hugs that end with a few love pats on the back. He is toddler with the guts of a much older kid and he keeps me on my toes.
And we have Brady who is silly and observant. He is task oriented and focused when he wants to be, and wild and crazy the rest of the time. He is a great communicator, expects his needs to met in a timely fashion, and is really much wiser than even I seem to be able to accept. He is my sidekick and would spend every minute in my lap if I let him!
These two guys belong to us, the family who cannot figure out how to take a self-timed pictures of themselves, and who appreciates the specialness of having two boys who share everything.
They have a mom who made it a point not to be behind the camera all day so she can have some pictures of herself with the two year old boys.
They are siblings who share a birthday. They developed simultaneously in utero and over the course of two years, still manage to be synchronous in so many ways, even in the way that they walk.
They are zany and wild
messy and devilish
and they know what to expect from the other one (as told by the smile you can just barely see on Brady's face).
But most of all they are brothers, doing and caring for one another even at the tender age of two.
Their birthday shirts, though awesome, just need one minor correction to be perfect
and I could not be any prouder to be the mom of these two amazing boys.