Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas morning

Christmas morning was so much fun!  I have few words and lots of pictures to remember what the day was like.  We started our day by trying to capture the boys' faces as they saw the tree with the presents and their new tricycles for the first time.  They were not quite sure what to make of the room when they entered.  Brody immediately jumped onto one of the tricycles (like he does at the park whenever he sees one!) and did not get off for a solid 30 minutes.  In fact he opened may of his gifts while siting on this tricycle, reluctant to remove himself even for a second.  Brady yelled "OPEN, OPEN, OPEN" as he grabbed every present in the room.  He loved discovering what was underneath the paper and hated having to wait as we undid the packaging that was between him and playtime.

Happily, the boys loved their toys and played with them ALL day.  We spent quite a bit of time outside riding bikes, coloring, blowing bubbles, playing music, sticking stickers, racing cars, stacking legos, assembling Mr. Potato head, and playing with every other toy they got.  It was a super special day.

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